Go Plant Fleet Services

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

As an employer with a workforce of over 250 employees on 5 April 2024, Go Plant must comply with statutory provisions regarding gender pay gap reporting.  This requires it to carry out six calculations and publish the results each year. Go Plant have calculated the relevant figures, set out below, using the mechanisms that are set out in the gender pay gap reporting legislation. These figures have been verified and checked to ensure their accuracy.

Go Plant is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. It has a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or similar work, regardless of their sex (or any other characteristic set out above). Go Plant is confident that its gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or similar work.

Gender Pay Gap





Bonus Pay Gap





Bonus Received






Pay Quartile






Upper Middle



Lower Middle





Go Plant’s gender pay gap compared with that of other organisations:

The vast majority of organisations have a gender pay gap and our gap is comparable with that of many others, including those within our industry.

The mean gender pay gap for the whole UK economy (according to the October 2023 Office for National Statistics (ONS) Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) figures) is 13.2% and 11.5% for the Public sector.  At -8.22%, Go Plant’s mean gender pay gap is, therefore substantially lower than both that for the whole economy and that of the Public sector.  In comparison, the Private Sector currently sits at 15.6%.

The median gender pay gap for the whole economy (according to the October 2023 ONS ASHE figures) is 14.3%, while in the Public sector it is 14.0%.  At 0.00%, Go Plant’s median gender pay gap is, again, substantially lower than both that for the UK economy and that of the Public sector. In comparison, the Private Sector currently sits at 18.9%.

Go Plant’s gender bonus gap compared with that of other organisations:

The mean and median gender bonus gaps for Go Plant are 40.84% and 9.85% respectively, with the proportion of men receiving a bonus in the 12 months up to 5 April 2023 at 6.52%, while for women this was 46.15%.

Our gender bonus gap is the result of the roles in which men and women work within the organisation and the salaries that these roles attract.  Across the UK economy, men generally occupy more senior roles in engineering and transport and this is reflected at Go Plant although there is a closer 60/40 split, (men/women) within our Senior Leadership Team. 

The gender split at the snapshot date across the Go Plant business was 86/14 (men/women). The mean bonus gap is reflective of more males in senior roles that attract bonuses. However, the median bonus pay shows a 9.85% differential, this reflects that the majority of our workforce are drivers and drivers did not receive a bonus during this year, hence the lower number of males receiving a bonus at 6.52%.

In addition, there was a pay review during this year across support functions within the business that ensured all employees (other than apprentices or development roles) were paid at Living wage (minimum £11.06 per hour) so this uplifted a number of lower paid females in support/administrative roles within the organisation. 

As road sweeper driver roles form 59% of the roles within the business, the flat hourly rate for Drivers has resulted in the majority of our employees sitting across the 2 middle quartiles.  Traditionally more men than women work in the road sweeper driver roles and this trend continues today. This therefore feeds into the individuals who progress into management and senior roles within the organisation (and across the industry generally).  Go Plant continues to address this through open recruitment policies and use of apprenticeships.

I confirm the data reported is accurate.

Cathy Potts
HR Director

April 2024